Friday, March 20, 2009

My Shining Stars!

Our stake had a roadshow a couple weeks ago and our ward participated in it. We had a blast! It was a lot of work but the kids had so much fun. The stake theme was "The Right Stuff". Our wards skit was "Giselle is on a quest to find a man with the Right Stuff". It was so cute. All of the kids did a great job!
Here are my favorite stars! Olivia was a handmaiden to Giselle, and Tyler played a singing Indiana Jones, one of Giselle's potential suitors.

Brotherly Love!

Giselle with her Handmaiden's! Aren't they so cute!

Giselle with all her potenial suitors!

Some of my cute Mia Maids!

The fearless leaders! They did so much wouldn't have happened without them!

Most of the cast! I couldn't get everyone in! I need that wide angle lens!

Our stake put these on every four years, I think all of the adults will have recovered by then!


QueenScarlett said...

Adorable pictures. Did the video turn out ok?

Also...can you email these to the ward email for our newsletter? THANKS! svwardnewsletter at gmail dot com

Thanks Chica.

O'Connor Family said...

Hi Erin! I found your blog on Queen Scarlett's blog roll! It was great seeing you at the Stake R.S. celebration.

We have a private family blog, if you want an invite to view, send me an email at

I love your blog and your family picture looks great!

Fairchild Family said...

Such cute pics! Glad to see you have a blog...always fun checking in!