Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rose Parade Floats

While we were visiting my family this past Christmas, we got to go up and see some of the Rose Parade Floats while they were being worked on. I have never seen the float up close and in person before so it was a shock to see how big they really were! It is quite an undertaking to put these massive beauties together! The ironic thing about us seeing the floats early is that we didn't even watch the Rose Parade this year(we always do!) we chose to go to Disneyland instead! It was a crazy busy on New Years Day, what was everyone doing there? They were all suppose to be at home watching the parade and football games! No such luck! Anyways I digress. We had fun going up to Pasadena that day.
Here we are in front of the Donate Life float. My sister-in-law volunteers for this organization(that's how we got in!) We actually donated $25 and got to put a rose on the float that was dedicated to my mom.
I can't remember which one this you notice all of the scaffolding?
Tyler and Carol,(my sister-in-law) We love her!

Christina, (my niece) and Olivia putting my mom's rose on the float!

More decorating.

Beautiful flowers.

I wish these pictures represented what they really looked like before they were done!

Too bad you can't smell these!
We had a fun time, thanks Carol!

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