Sunday, August 10, 2008

Where has the Time Gone?

My first born starts High School tomorrow. I can't believe the time has past so quickly. I feel like it was just yesterday I was dropping him off for his first day in Kindergarten!!! I've been told that before I know it he will be graduating High School and leaving for his mission! Yikes.

Tyler age 6 at Legoland
Now look at him anxiously anticipating seminary and his first day as a little fish in a HUGE pond!

I think he is thinking I'm as ready as I'll ever be!!>

Good luck Tyler! You will do great. We are so proud of you!

1 comment:

erin said...

I am happy to report all went well on the first day!! Also I want to mention how grateful I am that Tyler gets to attend seminary. What a great way to start off your day by studying the scriptures! Today he reported that his class watched a video about the savior and the woman who washed his feet with her tears. That is something you want in your childs head as the head off to High School for the day.